Monday, March 10, 2008

the order of nature is overruled...

Today is the first day of the Great Fast. Tonight we will be singing the first part of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, the extended penitential hymn used the first and fifth weeks of the Fast.

There is a troparion in the Great Canon that I think about every year that I hear it. It is the Theotokion of Ode 4 on Monday:

"Thou givest birth and livest a virgin life, and in both remainest a virgin by nature. He Who is born of thee reneweth the laws of nature, and a womb giveth birth without travail. Where God willeth, the order of nature is overruled; for He doeth whatever He wisheth."

It's the last sentence that stands out to me the most, and something that I wish non-Christians could understand. That if God is the Creator of all mankind and the earth, then why should he not be able to "overrule" the order of nature?

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